Thursday, January 29, 2015


Proficient learners who:
1.       Show continuous growth towards mastery of academic standards

Monday, January 26, 2015

Wk 3a - Introduction to Adobe Illustrator notes

(I) Watch Mr. Webb's demonstration and post notes to do the following on your blog:
- Creating a new canvas (document)
     press Command+N to make a new canvas
     3 sections of Adobe Illustrator (Toolbox [left], Menu bar [at the top], Panels [right])
     PROFILE: Print, SIZE: Letter, ORIENTATION: Portait

- Interface navigation, drawing tools (Illustrator's shapes & using the Pen Tool)
    Rectangle Tool (M) - makes squares and rectangles with sharp edges
    Rounded rectangle tool - makes rectangles with rounded edges
    Ellipse tool - draw circles and ovals
    Polygon Tool - draws convex regular polygons.
    Star tool - draws stars; to add more edges tap the up arrow, to remove edges tap the down arrow; to     control the sharpness of the star, hold the command key while drawing the star.

   Selection Tool (V)- looks like a black arrow.  Use to select objects that you want to move, copy or     delete.

    Pen Tool (P) - draws line segments and curves

- Setting the Fill Color, and the Stroke Color
First, select your object or line.  
Second, click on the fill color box to set the fill color. 
OR, click on the stroke color box to set the stroke color

- Saving file formats (saving for Adobe Illustrator editing vs. Saving an image for the web)
Save for Adobe Illustrator = (.ai) <<Can ONLY be opened in Illustrator.
Save for the Internet/Your blog = (.jpeg, .gif, .png) << Can be uploaded to your blog.

Week 3a - Signs and Visual Communication - Digital Art Production Techniques

Monochromatic -containing or using only one color.
Negative space  - the space that surrounds an object in a image
This is a lady. 
this is a plant.( corn /whatever)
This is one cat.
These are 2 cats.
This is Steve jobs with apple. 

This is a man with armor and a sword.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


This rebus is showing a bee and a leaf
This rebus is showing a woman doing kung-fu and a panda
This rebus is show a eye , a can , a sea , and a U

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Week 2 - Signs & Visual Communication, Part 2a - Elements of Design (Adobe Illustrator CS6)


Calligram- Reshaped words to form an object

This is a calligram of an apple . The words being shown are full names , such as Raven stein , Ginger gold, etc.

This is a calligram of lips , The words being shown is a quote " so much of a good thing can be wonderful "

This is a calligram of a panther , It is spelled out " panther" in the shape of a panther .

Pictogram- A pictorial symbol  for a word or phrase
this is a women/men sign it is usually found in bathroom , showing which is for men , and which is for women . 

   This is a liter bin sign showing the viewer to throw trash in the trash can . 

This is a "no dog" policy sign showing viewers that dogs are not allowed at that particular place.

this is a airport pictogram
the first row is the flight attendants .
the second row is the body scanners , the wand scanner , the material scanner .
the third row is the passengers
the fourth row takes luggage

1.This sport is aquatics
2.This sport is track/running.
3.This sport is bad minton 
4.This sport is boxing.
5.This sport is cycling
6.This sport is gymnastics
7.This sport is hockey
8.This sport is judo
9.This sport is lawn bowls
10.This sport is basketball.
11.This sport is rugby sevens
12.This sport is shooting.
13.This sport is squash
14.This sport is table tennis.
15.This sport is triathlon
16.This sport is wrestling
17.This sport is weight lifting . 

A rebus is a puzzle in which words are represented by combinations of pictures and individual letters.
Every shovel loves a bucket.A shovel & bucket are being used.
Humpty dumpty sat on a brick wall , had a great fall all the kings horses and all the kings army couldn't put humpty dumpty together again. a egg shaped happy face is being used a broken egg face is being used , horses are being used and a army.

I have 4 icecreams and buy 2 more. How many icecreams do i now have? I had 5 apples and ate 3. How many apples do i have left ? A apple, & the numbers 4, 3 , 2 , 5 are being used.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Signs and Visual Communication Part 2

4.This sign is a women/men bathroom sign , This tells the viewer  where the bathrooms are located , and which bathroom to go into .
5.This is a parking sign , it means you're allowed to park , it tells the reader they are allowed to park .
6.this is an hotel information ,  it tells the reader that if they need information about the hotel then it is there .
7.This sign indicates eating, it means you can eat, it tells viewers to eat . it is usually found in restaurants.
9.this is a accessible route scene , it is for disabled people it is found in restrooms , etc.
10.this is an information sign , it tells the reader it needs information or it gives info.
12.this is a emergency telephone sign , it means that the reader can call if their is an emergency
19.this is a swimming sign , it means you can swim , it tells readers that they can swim at that certain place the sign is.
20.this is a fishing sign , this means that fishing is allowed, it tells readers they can fish .
36.this is a air transportation sign , it shows the reader that it is a air transportation , that they are going to be flying in the air .
38.This is a message sign , it shows people that there is mail .
40.this is a fire hydrant sign , it shows people it is a fire.
44.this is a liter bin sign , it means to throw trash , t tells people to put trash in the trash can .
45.this is a recycle sign, it means to recycle , it tells people that they can/should recycle.
46. this is a walk your dog sign , it means you can walk your dog , it tells people that they can walk their dog .

Thursday, January 15, 2015

American Flag WEEK 1 Signs and Visual Communications Extra Credit

The  5o stars in the flag represent the states .
the 13 stripes represent the thirteen british colonies.
white respresents purity and innocence, Red represenets hardiness & valour and Blue, signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice."

WEEK 1 Signs and Visual Communications Extra Credit


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Different Elements Of Communication ( Signs, and Visual Communications, Part 1 )

1.)Alphabet-A set of symbols used to represent sounds, that form parts of a word .
These are letters ,  letters make up words , it is usually found in schools ( mostly elemenataries )

2.)Street sign - A public display of words that gives direction.
These are street signs , it  gives the reader direction so they know where they're going , These are mostly found in streets. 

3.)Advertisement- A Public display promoting a product , service, or event to attract viewers.
This is a advertisement , it uses pictures , and written words , to boast , and exaggerate on a certain product to attract viewers to buy . Advertisements are usually found on billboards , commercials (etc.)

4.)Constellation-a set of stars that display an image.

This is a constellation , constellations are stars that are formed into pictures . These are usually , found at night in the sky.
5.)Ascii symbols-represented texts in computers, communication , and other devices that use text.

These are Ascii symbols , They are mostly found in text logs ,  They represent texts in any device that uses texts. 
6.)Electronic Symbols- Pictures used to represent electronics devices,
These are electronic symbols,  they are used to show the reader the difference in electronic devices , and shows people who make electronics  the flow of electricity
These are usually found inside of electral devices . 

7.)Morse code - mixed short, signals , light , and sound used to communicate .
This is morse code , it is used to send signals  to the viewer secretly. it shows the viewer what the other person or thing is trying to say . 
they are usually found in militaries . 

8.)American sign language- using hands to represent letters to display words.
This is sign language , they are used to tell the viewer something through Hand structured letter . These are usually found in schools, or it is used to communicate with deaf people. 

9.)Glyph- a pictograph  expressing thought , or ideas . 
This is a glyph , it shows the viewer a picture and words expressing what it is , these are usually found in science classrooms , charts astrology , (etc.)