Monday, March 23, 2015

Week 11 TASK 1 - Google Doodle Emily Noether


     A challenge I had to overcome was when my older brother moved  into middle school and I was only in elementary . Me and my brother were very close , we walked to school together everyday , he would help me study , mostly took care of me  , and I was popular , because everyone thought I was cool since my brother was popular in 5th grade, a straight a student
, had lots of friends  and I was his little sister , so I gained lots of respect. It was time for my brother to move to middle school , his middle school was far from the elementary i was still attending so he could no longer walk me to school, I'd now have to walk to school by myself , which was scary to me since i was used to going everywhere with my brother & being guided by him , i was very paranoid that i would forget the route to school. Within the first
few days  of transition, he walked me to school , making himself late to school just to make sure that i was aware of where to go , and how to get home . Then , i had to walk on my own i remembered everything perfectly and  got to school right on time  , the only thing is without my brother i was horribly shy ,  it was hard to  make friends  after my brother left i had no one to defend me when people would talk about me negatively , so I went through lots of verbal
 bullying , and had no friends. When I received homework that i could not complete , I asked my brother for help , but he couldn't help me , because he had his own homework to do now that he had more classes , and him being an A student required lots of studying , etc. We also, didn't spend much time with each other anymore , i had no friends at school or at home . I felt really lonely , and i was angry with my brother for a while because i felt abandoned by him . To fix these conflicts. i started being more open , and actually talking to people , i made people laugh and ended up having friends, because of my ability to make people laugh  , and conversate i wasn't popular but i was well known , and I wasn't as lonely as before.When i didn't understand how to do my work i would ask teachers . The whole experience taught me to be more independent , and to improvise more , it taught me that there are other ways to deal with conflict.

Monday, March 16, 2015

vector illustration

Attributes of a good vector photograph

1.Need to be able to see the entire object ( it's silhouette , outline , the objects form is clearly viewable )
2.Clear LOCAL COLOR [ medium tone], with highlights and shadows.
3.some background detail shapes [ shadow on the ground , or other objects in the background.]