Monday, April 27, 2015

Print ready design - Business Cards TASK 2

Her name is located on the left center.
Her email is located on the left center
her phone number is located on the left center.

Name is located : in the center
Address is located :on the bottom left
Office number: Bottom right
cell number:Bottom right
Email:Bottom right

Name : located in left center.
Address: located at left bottom.
Email: Located in left center
Phone:located in left center
Email:Located in center
Website:Located in center
phone number:located in center
Name:Located in right center
Address:Located in right center
Website:Located in right center
Name: Located at top center
Email : Located in center
phone #: Located in center
Email: Located in center
Address: Located in center.
Name:Located at top right
Address:Located to the right
Mobile: Located to the right
Fax:Located to the right
Emails: Located on bottom right
Name:Located top right
Address: Bottom left
Telephone number: Bottom left
Fax:bottom left'
Website:Bottom left
Name: Located in center
website:Located in center
Telephone : Located to top left
Address: Located at bottom center
Cell phone number: Located at bottom center

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